Enjoy this proper release of Ch. 64! 😀
– Kroll, Beansprout, Ennei, Kento –

Zippy Ziggy – Vol.9 Ch.64: Who’s the Coalition President?

Zippy Ziggy – Vol.9 Ch.63: Kang Shingi’s Humiliation
New ZZ… Sweet!

Zippy Ziggy 8.60-61
Happy holidays everyone! Here’s zippy in time for Christmas! 😀

Zippy Ziggy – 8.59: D-Day
Unfortunately, this chapter isn’t shexy as the above image eludes you to believe.

Zippy Ziggy – 8.58: In 3 Days…
Rawr~~ Racing to see who can release first. Me vs fembot (with FH).
~ Grumpy

Zippy Ziggy – 8.57: Kang Shingi, Utterly Destroyed
Btw, for people that are hating the gayness of recent chapters… This arc is the last time. 😛
For people who loved the gayness… Too bad, this is the last arc for such things.

Zippy Ziggy – v8.ch56 – Niki’s Identity
And finally, here’s chapter 56!

Super Mass Release! ToG 1 year anniversary!
Jimmini jillickers Batman! A mass release!!!
That’s right folks, it has been 1 year since we picked up Tower of God and it was one hell of a ride that just won’t stop. Is that something really worth celebrating? Who knows, who cares…

Zippy Ziggy – v8.ch54 – Ddukchil Collapses!
Third chapter today~~! Woo~~~

Zippy Ziggy – v7.ch53: Jang Hyun’s Revenge
This marks the end of volume 7~! That’s about all I got… ~ Grumpy

Zippy Ziggy – v7.ch52: Unfair Challenge
Told u 52 was almost done. Enjoy~ Grumpy

Zippy Ziggy – v7.ch51: Disappeared Um Seung-hui!
Chapter 52 is almost done too. 😀
Enjoy~ Grumpy

Zippy Ziggy – v7.ch50: Two Retested
So, Mako got his project back. 🙂

Zippy Ziggy – v7.ch49: Uncovered Shin-gi?
Death to Elro!!! lol And long live Mako!!! (I actually didn’t even get a notice from Mako yet if he’d actually work on this. lol)

Zippy Ziggy – v7.ch48: Jang Hyun’s Nightmare
Hmm.. before you know it… it’s been a month since last release. 🙁 Need to work on speeding ZZ up!!!
Also, this is the most ecchi chapter of Zippy Ziggy. lol (Yes, I read to the end)
~ Grumpy

Zippy Ziggy – v7.ch47: Ultimate Stalking
It’s all Elro’s fault. 😛
~ Grumpy

Zippy Ziggy v7.ch46 – Shingi – Michael Union
More Zippy too!!!

Zippy Ziggy v7.ch45
No nekked things this time.

Zippy Ziggy v6.ch44
Weee~~ TSed by our new member, Elro~~ Please welcome him even though he puts nekked things on credit pages.
~ Grumpy