Hello folks! Grumpy here. Well, this was probably quite unexpected. But it was unexpected for myself as well….

Toradora Ch 40
This time I have the pleasure to announce two new members at the same time!!
A warm welcome to Wilcoxii and Valhalla, I’m looking forward to working with you two! ~mhh

Toradora! Chapter 37, 38, & 39
It’s been a while… So enjoy 3 chapters worth!
And thanks to Ennei for the big help!

Toradora! Chapter 36: Their Night Alone Together
It’s been a while… don’t kill me!
Maria Holic, Dropped
Dear fans of Maria Holic. This is our official notice of dropping Maria Holic. Reason is simply lack…

Toradora! Chapter 34 & 35
A crazy person can always spot a crazy person across the ways… lol

Toradora! Chapter 32 & 33
Introducing Miss Palmtop Tiger!!! lol

Toradora! Chapter 31: Their Feelings
Hmmm What did she say?

Super Mass Release! ToG 1 year anniversary!
Jimmini jillickers Batman! A mass release!!!
That’s right folks, it has been 1 year since we picked up Tower of God and it was one hell of a ride that just won’t stop. Is that something really worth celebrating? Who knows, who cares…

Toradora! Chapter 30: A Dog’s Loyalties
Here is chapter 30 of Toradora!
Weird Feature Pic. right? lol

Toradora! Chapter 29: 2nd Round! Fight!
Enjoy chapter 29 of Toradora!
And don’t forget to thank RaptorFalcon who is our Japanese Translator for this series.

Maria Holic v4ch21
I wonder why MH chapters are so long… I also thought of replacing Elro’s credits… but got lazy.
Anyway, enjoy. ~Grumpy

Toradora! Ch28
ello Everyone~ Today is Haruru’s birthday!!! Wooo~~~~ Happy birthday~~~!!! Taiga reminds me of Haruki so much that I…

Maria Holic Ch.20
Maria Holic Chapter 20 presented by The Company’s Nuralataion, Elrohon and Trebor, feat. Wnee
Yay! First post on wordpress (thanks FuBuLy for the help!)… well, creativity died trying to figure out how this worked so have fun reading the chapter! 😀

Maria Holic, v4ch19
Hello folks. The person who should be writing this release is Elrohon, not me. But, I’m still doing…