Well it sure has been long since I released this. NGH has been a title that I do…

Nam Gi-han: ch15_Grocery Store
Ah… Quite the late release, huh? Well, blame goes entirely on me, but I got too many things to do. >.< I don't even know how many active projects I have are anymore... And... I just remembered I forgot to get raws for someone just now too... sigh... So, if you think you can help out, please apply~~ Thanks. (Yes, all that complaint builds up to a recruitment ad. lol) ~ Grumpy

Pray for Japan (GB, NGH, ToG)
Naver has this section called Pray for Japan (http://comic.naver.com/webtoon/list.nhn?titleId=312979&weekday=thu) where various webtoon artists post a short prayer for…

Nam Gi-han: ch14 Art Class
Hm… not much to say. Enjoy ~ Grumpy

Nam Gi-han: Ch13.Rumor
This chapter comes with a song~ xD
Not that it’s a great song, rather a comical song from ch9. But, an interesting touch. 😉
~ Grumpy

Nam Gi-han ch12 – Neighbourhood Gangsters
I think this was late. lol (again)
~~ Grumpy

Nam Gi-han Ch11 – Study
I think this was late. lol
~~ Grumpy

Nam Gi-Han Ch10
Another funny chap from nam gi-han.
Also, we have an irc channel now~~!
Come talk to us at #thecompany@irc.lightirc.com

Nam Gi-han ch9
NGH Ch9 After a long waited delay~ Why did it take long? I just didn’t feel like it. lol
Yes, bow down before my whim!
~ Grumpy

Nam Gi-han ch8
NGH Ch8. Enjoy~~ I just wish I wasn’t like that when I was a kid… But I probably was…

Nam Gi-han To be an Elite ch7
Nam Gi-han To be an Elite ch7. Enjoy~~

Thanksgiving & Nam Gi-han To be an Elite ch6
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving folks~ And for Thanksgiving, we got Nam Gi-han To be an Elite for you~ Be thankful! xD

Nam Gi-Han ch5
Chapter 5 of NGH~~ I personally didn’t like this chapter cuz it’s rather full of gibberish… Or I…

Zipping up ONE image file seems really stupid. But places like MF/MT requires it… And apprently, so does…

Nam Gi-han ch3
Zipping up ONE image file seems really stupid. But places like MF/MT requires it… And apprently, so does…

Nam Gihan start!
Chapters 1 and 2 for NGH~! Scanlation Ch 1 & 2 Download Chapter 1 Read Online Chapter 2…

Nam Gi-Han To be an Elite!
Yay~ Another project! I may be putting a little to many projects for myself. lol But we’ll see…