Goong (Status)
Well, since people still visit here looking for their Goong releases, I should at least write a note saying where to find them.
Chapter 129 has been scanlated by Wind Song and you can grab it there.
Chapter 130/131 has been scanlated by Franky-Family. They are planning to continue on scanlating Goong and raws have been bought (through me). They are looking for translators however. So, if you love Goong and can translate, drop them an application and I’m sure they’ll love you lots. Please don’t ask me to translate 😛 I am completely uninterested in this series…. I actually bought the raws and didn’t even bother to read it except for page numbers to make sure they’re all there.
Best of luck to Franky Family.
If you want to read chapters I was involved with, hop over to the Online Reader. 🙂
Just want to drop by and thank you for helping to translate the latest chapter of Goong. Very much appreciated!! 🙂
lol. You’re welcome. Guess people still come even after not being linked. 😛