Tower of God: Season 2 Ch. 101 – 30F – The Workshop Battle –Closure– (07)


I feel like Reflejo in above shot is singing “I’m too sexy for my shirt!”
Maybe it’s just me…


~ Godai, Fenrill, Grumpy, Trebor ~

Tower of God English
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Chapter 101
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13 Responses

  1. I’m too sexy for my shirt too sexy for my shirt
    So sexy it hurts

    couldnt resist 😛

    and thxs

  2. Thanks for the chapter.

    Although… This part:
    “Will it be okay to just let him walk away with the item that the Workshop promised?”
    Maybe I’m wrong somewhere, but from your wording it isn’t clear who and to whom promised the item. Was there such ambiguity in original line or should it actually be “…with the item that [b]we promised to Workshop[/b]”?

    1. @Rez I believe they are talking about Bam and the Thorn and letting them walk away with it.

    2. Line is accurate. Your suggestion is inaccurate. Reading ToG/SIU often requires you to think and remember past events. This is one of those times.

      If you think hard enough about this line, you should be able to get an idea of what it’s talking about. Otherwise, this week’s chapter should make it sorta obvious who it’s talking about. And no, Kedo is incorrect.

  3. FUG rankers talk about letting all of their work go to waste with losing an Irregular and the thorn?) Well, that’s funny assumption.) No, I think it’s about Cassano and a certain flask. But from the wording it’s not clear who own item – Workshop or FUG. Thus my previous question.

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