Tower of God ch26 – 2F-Rest(1)
Hello, I thought I’d skip the post for pre-release this time because it was a matter of hours from the proper version being released. However, Semp has called in sick, and this may take some time. Thus, I decided to make this post afterall (And yes, the pre-release version has been out for some time. I’m just making a post for more visibility).
Hoping for her quick recovery,
Side Note: I realize that our constant pre-release is a really nasty habit we need to get out of. Unfortunately, not everything always goes to plan.
It’s finally here folks! Proper version of ToG.
To answer someone’s question of what’s the difference between pre-release and proper version. The following gets changed (this is in general):
- Some additional SFX gets removed
- Some rewordings are done to fix grammatical/spelling errors, should they exist.
- Some rewordings are done to prevent confusion/misleads.
- Some rewordings are done to improve the flow.
- Any problems from cleaning gets corrected.
- Any weird typesets are modified.
It’s not that I suck at English. If you’ve written a paper longer than 64 pages (in English), you may have the right to tell me that. 😀 But we do it so that the final result is freaking awesome. Also, 2 heads are better than 1.
In the end, I feel like our version may be even better than the original. 😀 No offense meant to SIU, but his work probably does not actually go under such scrutiny as ours.
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Thank you from the bottom of my heart
uhm… i.. just wanna thank you guys for your hardwork and for this great site
Much appreciation for the release ^^ And a wish of health to Semp
Thank you for the pre-release. I hope that Semp’s health has improved.
Thank you. No worries on taking too long. If you want to make it quality it takes time. Most of us would just be happy with a translation.
Thanks again.
Muchas gracias!
Tank you ^^
truth is, i don’t mind if it’s a bit bad translated, aslong i can understand what it says, I’d rather read it in a bit bad state & fast rather then waiting longer for a better version
I personally would rather have a better quality job done than a crappy one. They’re going to get it out every week anyway, so why not just wait?
Ofcourse everyone would rather want better quality then crappy ones, however they don’t have to put to much work to it, right now ive readed the pre-release, for me it;s good enough
lol, can you blame us for being respectful to a great series?
If your native language isn’t English, then it’s understandable there would be errors, especially with punctuation. Otherwise, INEXCUSABLE! :p
Thanks for explaining the differences between pre and post releases, but most of all thanks for the chapter! (What a cliffhanger!)
I’d appreciate it if you could continue to post the link to the original so I can click it, instead of typing it in. lazy I know.
Forgot. added
Thx for the chapter!
Btw where is my Kubera? :3
It’ll be out soon. However, it isn’t yours, :P.
Thanks for the chapter. I noticed that the speech balloons are “transparent” like in the raws, but in the previous translated chapters they’re not. Why was that, doesn’t it mean more work?
Transparent bubbles are WAY more work than filled. Too much redrawing.
Thanks for the ToG fix, man!
just want to extend my appreciation..
Thank you so much for translating this awesome manhwa/webtoon!!
I really, really, love this!!! 😀
Chapter 28 is kewl!!!