This chapter took longer than it should have to come out – whoops!

Metronome Chapter 26+27
It’s the end of the arc.

Metronome Chapter 25
It’s late, but enjoy.

Metronome Chapter 24

Metronome Chapter 23
Merry Christmas, everyone!

Metronome Chapter 22
Chapter 22 is finally done, guys!

Metronome Chapter 21
The first chapter of the second season is finally here.

Metronome Ch20 + Special
Enjoy! 🙂

Metronome Ch18 – 19
No idea why I’m releasing this… but… ~G

Metronome Ch17
We started to work on this almost 3 years ago. I never thought this would actually get finished…

Metronome – Ch. 16

Metronome ch15
AT LONG LAST! Thanks to our new translator Sonatina, we can start making more regular releases from now on~

Metronome 14
Uhhh… Yeah, this release has been a long time coming. We still need a translator… so if you know Korean (or know someone that does), come join us/drag them to join.

Metronome Ch12 & Ch13
Chapter 12 probably wins the miscommunication award here at The Company. So much time wasted, so much confusion. 🙁
But, it’s finally done!! Along with 13 ofc. 😀

Metronome Chapter 11: ~ Andante 93~ 04
What a lonely girl…

Super Mass Release! ToG 1 year anniversary!
Jimmini jillickers Batman! A mass release!!!
That’s right folks, it has been 1 year since we picked up Tower of God and it was one hell of a ride that just won’t stop. Is that something really worth celebrating? Who knows, who cares…

Metronome Chapter 8
Here is some more Metronome!!! Sorry for the Delay.

Metronome Ch. 7
Hmmm… That crazy look reminds me about me. lol ~CrazyRed This was brought to you by The Company’s…

Metronome Ch.6
Shall We Dance, No? This was brought to you by The Company’s Kyouria, Trebor, and CrazyRed98. Enjoy!!! Quick…

Metronome Ch.5
hmm… I wonder what he’s thinking… This was brought to you by The Company’s Haruki, Trebor, and CrazyRed98….