Zippy Ziggy v5, ch 28
Sorry for the extra delay guys/girls, been busy but I’ll be hopefully bring you 29 very soon. Thank again to Grumpy for his help with the raws, translating. Enjoy~
Zippy Ziggy / 지피지기 ![]() |
Zippy Ziggy v4 ch 28 (Online View) | ![]() ![]() |
Random fan’s TSed version (alternate) is avl at: here.
this is horrible what your doing to the manga and fans
forcing us to read it in ur crappy online viewer, bad quality, adds everywhere, at least let us dl it
Thanks a lot!!
Go on, please!
Great chap!! Thxs!! 😀 One of my favs…
Btw… the online viewer is really sucky.x/ You guys should just stick to a more traditional reader IF possible. If it’s a necessity don’t take it into account.
I just saw the online viewer for the first time and I can definitely see why it’s complain worthy while kudos on effort to who ever made that. But effort doesn’t always translate to loved. Frankly, I hate the ads and their old viewer too. And if you got a low rez, it’s probably hell. I don’t make a penny off of their ads, so don’t really complain to me. But I’ll likely stop translating this soon, so I’m playing it on the least-complaint side. I’ll release raws for people trying to do retranslations for other languages.
well that sucks that your stopping the manga is pretty damn good.
tx for the work thou
Like I’ve been saying. I’m a permanent temp translator. lol
Hey thanks for tl-ing another chapter Grumpy.
I like this series a lot.
yeah fk clicksor =\ i set only 1 yet they put so many fk ups. ahwell. The older version of the online view was making 4x 5x amount of ad-money. So as you can see, if I need money, I woulda put it back. It’s just for those online site owners that just care the fact of only money. NOT for the fans. BTW Grumpy you know where I can find Monk! ? haha
Monk as in the tv show? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0312172/
Otherwise, I don’t even know what ur talking about. lol
what is with the online viewer i cant even read the manga i hate when stuff like this happens i wish franky-house would have picked up this manga instead of u guy then i could have read it online i use internet explorer and kono-basho always messes up on it
1. clearly hasn’t read my above comments…
2. Using IE. You see, you now belong to a visible minority group where bashing it is actually considered popular. Use Opera. xD
it’s uhh the manhwa. http://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=30970
Sounds semi-interesting. lol
All I can say is that the usual suspect has em.
Thanks. =D
will there be download for this??
beats me.