I’m pretty sure I’m ruining Crazy’s plans by releasing this. lol
Oh and Nuralataion’s name is mis-spelled. But I think we’re all blaming Nura for having such an odd name. 😛

Zusun – Ch18

Zusun Chapter 15, 16, & 17
Three chapters should hold you over for a bit right…?
This was brought to you by The Company’s Zusun Team so we hope you enjoy all our hard work.

Zusun Chapter 10, 11, 12, 13, & 14
Trebor wanted a Zusun chapter release… So instead of releasing “a” chapter I’m releasing 5 chapters. This was…

Zusun Chapters 6, 7, 8, & 9
Yeah a batch release of Zusun. This was brought to you by The Company’s Kyouria, Trebor, Nuralataion, and…

Zusun Ch.5
This is actually the first chapter that both Kyouria, and I worked on for The Company. This was…

Zusun Ch.4
The Long over Due Release of Zusun This was brought to you by Haruki, Trebor, Nuralataion, and CrazyRed98….

Zusun ch3
Chapter 3! From next next chapter, our new translator Kyouria will be continuing this series~! Actually, she’s already at ch10…

Zusun ch2
And~ HERE IS THE CHAPTER 2~ QCed by our new member, Trebor~
enjoy~ 😀

Zusun ch1
Finally out! Not even sure why this took so long. Corny start though. :-/
~ Grumpy

Zusun – ch0: Preview
Woo~~ Another series? It’s got such great art that I decided to call dibs on it. haha
Read details in the credits at the end.
~ Grumpy